FAQ for Hosting Member Firms
On this page, you find information about the most frequently asked questions. This section will be discussed and developed with the participating member firms.
When does the annual Internship Programme take placeIn 2022, the first round of internships took place in autumn between September and November, based on the individual agreements and situation between Intern and Hosting Member Firm.
As of 2023, the internship period has been extended to give Interns and Hosting Members more flexibility to find suitable dates for internships. Internships can be arranged throughout the entire year. Hosting Firms can indicate their preferred time period for the internship in the respective registration form. -
DurationBased on the individual agreements and situation. It should cover a time period of 6-8 weeks (including 1-2 weeks of vacation / travelling to discover the host country).
SalaryThe Hosting Member Firm should pay a Minimum Salary of 200 Euro per week in local currency to ensure local professional insurance. The salary can be adjusted based on local cost-of-living and legal requirements in the hosting country.
The assigning Member Firm continues to pay a reduced salary on top to ensure the coverage of cost-of-living. -
InsuranceThe Hosting Member Firm ensures professional insurance through local social security.
The assigning member firm continue to pay a reduced salary to continue health insurance in the home country. The assigning Member Firm should also ensure for a traveller’s health insurance to cover foreign medical cost and repatriation in case of severe illness or accident. -
VisaInterns from an EU or EEA country going to work at a Hosting Member Firm in a non-EU/EEA country may be required to apply for a visa.
Likewise, Interns from a non-EU/EEA country going to work at a Hosting Member Firm in an EU/EEA country may be required to apply for a visa.
Interns will apply for the visa themselves. The Hosting Member Firms will be able to assist in this process and will provide necessary documents (e.g. invitation letter). -
TravellingThe assigning Member Firm arranges arrival to and departure from the internship destination and also for the journey of the intern to the EuropeFides Meeting.
Work ExperienceThe Hosting Member Firm designates a HR Contact Person and a “mentoring” programme which focuses on learning and knowledge sharing.
This programme may include also an introduction into service processes and IT environment as this might be the most “international” part of our business. -
Remote WorkThe intern may have the opportunity to connect with their home firm and may continue to work on projects remotely, i.e. up to 40% time of the assignment (similar to working from home).
Intern, assigning Member Firm and Hosting Member Firm may agree on a fixed time schedule (i.e. two hours per day, one day per week, etc.). The Hosting Member Firm will provide a desk and internet for remote work, the Intern should bring a laptop with server access to their assigning Member Firm. -
AccommodationThe Hosting Member Firm is arranging local accommodation in a Single Appartment, Bed&Breakfast or within a Hosting Family, depending on individual preferences of the Intern. The costs of standard accomodation will be borne by the Hosting Member Firm.
The Assigning Member Firm may contribute to the cost based on individual agreement with the Hosting Member Firm. -
Local TransportationHosting Member Firm is arranging for local transportation (i.e. Bus / Metro Ticket).
Social ActivitiesThe Hosting member firm will set up a social hosting programme with their Junior Staff so the young professional meets people and learns about the culture of the host country.
EuropeFides Annual MeetingIt is plannend, that all Interns participate at the Annual Meeting in autumn, so assigning Member Firms, Hosting Member Firms and Interns connect and share their experience through the programme.
Why should a Member Firm participate in this programme– Young Professionals can gain international experience by working and travelling to foreign countries.
– Young Professionals who already participated in previous years become the natural mentors when hosting another Young Professional.
– EuropeFides Network is extended by more people in the Member Firms who have a positive experience with our network.
– A Member Firm can offer additional opportunities for their employees which improves recruiting chances.
– Personal Long-term relationships can be built which are the basis for trust within the network.