EuropeFides Asia Forum - Post-COVID-19: New Opportunities in Asia for Foreign Investment
We are pleased to invite you to the EuropeFides Asia Forum.
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
10.00am – 11.30am CEST / 4.00pm China, Hong Kong & Singapore / 5.00pm Japan
Online (Zoom)
Topic: Post-COVID-19: New Opportunities in Asia for Foreign Investment
What to expect:
1. Short updates on the current market situation in Asia (including China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and more).
Panel discussion:
Post-COVID-19, what are the new opportunities in Asia for foreign
How can EuropeFides members work together on cross-border transactions and
create new business synergies?
Participation in the event is open and free for all EuropeFides member firms
and their guests.
Please feel free to share this invitation with any staff members, clients and
contacts who might be interested.
The registration link has been shared with members. If you are interested in attending this webinar but did not receive the link, please contact Nina Fischer (